Benefits of Safety Pad on Trampoline
By Steven Davis
Trampolines, being rebounding devices, propel the user to unaccustomed
heights and into a variety of body movements. Recreational trampolines
are designed exclusively for the home backyard market and not intended
for competitive use.
The vast majorities of users of backyard trampolines are children’s,
and therefore require close and constant adult supervision. Rules
should be followed while playing on the trampoline.
A vital element to safe trampolining is found with the safety pad.
Quality manufactured safety pads are constructed of a 1" single
layer of closed cell polyethylene foam and are covered with a durabe
and UV resistant cover. The pads should be attached via straps and/or
Safety Pads are neither designed nor intended to be used as seats
or steps. Do not sit on or step on the safety pads. Failure
to enforce this rule may cause irreparable damage to the pads.
Trampoline pads and all other components should be inspected prior
to each use. Defective or worm trampoline equipment should be replaced
prior to resuming use of trampoline.
Recommended weight limitation for most trampolines is no more than
200 lbs. Persons at or near this weight should test the resiliency
of the springs prior to extensive bouncing. This can be done by jumping
lightly on the mat.
If the resiliency appears to be weak, stop bouncing immediately, take
off each spring for inspection. If the spring appears to be over stretched,
the mat should not be reinstalled until the defective springs have
been replaced. Be sure and check the mat for any components that may
need replacing.